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  Sedona Musicians

During your visit to Sedona be sure to take in the sounds of some of the best musicians in the country. 

Music For Your Soul

Chris Spheeris
Contemporary instrumentalist Chris Spheeris touches hearts and souls with his inspired music and mystical poetic writings. Chris is a local Sedona musician.

Anthony Mazzella
His music is composed with the multicultural influences of jazz, flamenco, rhythm & blues, rock, folk, classical, middle-eastern, electric and acoustic finger style.

Eric Miller
Share Eric Miller's passion for Flamenco, Brazilian Jazz, and World Music as you travel the world through this gifted musician's unique compositions.

Vibhas Kenzia
plays his original piano solos with a classical touch, his fingers running over the keys like a soft cool breeze in summer. With the keyboard accompaniment, Vibhas is free to play haunting melodies on the Indian flutes, or smooth jazz arrangements with the soprano sax.

Sedona Performers Guild
Founded in early 2009, the Sedona Performers Guild (SPG) is made up of performing artists coming together to form a community. Our members include musicians, vocalists, dancers, spoken word artists, poets, young and old, beginners to pro.


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